Have-a-Go Night
As January comes to a close, most people have already left behind their New Years Resolution. But, if you are still looking to get a gold star of accomplishment we have found the perfect activity. In fact, in one night you can unlock a few achievements:
1. Be active
2. Play ball
3. Try something new
On the last Monday of every month, you can hit the courts to try Wheelchair Basketball at the Richmond Oval. Never been in a chair? No problem. Nadine Barbisan sets you up for success in a friendly and fun environment to try out this fascinating Paralympic sport.
Be sure to register so they can have enough sport chairs for everyone. Upcoming dates at Richmond Oval; 7-9pm:
January 30th
February 27th
March 27th
April 24th
Register here: https://bcwbs.typeform.com/to/lMLkHT or contact Nadine for more information: nadine@bcwbs.ca.
For more information on BC Wheelchair Basketball Society and all their programming check their site: http://www.bcwbs.ca.