Vancouver, B.C. - Basketball remains one of the sports with very few barriers to entry. All you really need is a basketball and some form of hoop. All the other gear and accessories that come with the game are extras. It is important to remember that around the world (and here locally in Vancouver) there are athletes who are less privileged where new jerseys, round basketballs and jerseys are a luxury.
In Vancouver alone, athletic gear donations are very common. Donate your old shoes, equipment, gear, etc and it will find its way to an athlete who needs it more than you do. Often times, these donations come from Spring cleaning and once the donation occurs the items are cleared from mind.
For the UBC Women’s Basketball team this was not the case and a recent set of donated jerseys were able to be followed all the way to a girls’ team in Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of Congo, where the jerseys saw game action on new players!
The UBC Women's Basketball Team starts their pre-season on the road on September 28th with an exhibition game against York University in Toronto. Click here to view the Thunderbirds full game schedule.